Tired of chasing a grip plate when you change boards? Buy a roll! You will be able, as in the skateshop, to seize about twenty boards. Or less than € 5 per plate instead of € 8! About 18 linear meters of grip!
The Jessus grip is one of the best grip on the market: durability, grip and board feel have made the Jessup grip the first choice of Skaters Pros.
The Jessup grip is:
An exclusive formula of silicon carbide for a grip that does not wear out. A strong, waterproof grip that does not tear and cuts cleanly. A super tacky adhesive that will not peel even in extreme hot or cold conditions.
Jessup is an emblematic grip brand, on the market for almost always, it is the brand with the wings that will make you fly during a gap!
The skateboard grip is the essential non-slip to cover the upper part of the board. It is very easy to install with a little practice. There are many brands of grip, with or without graphics ...