In 1986, Karl Watson met Nick Lockman, who introduced him to the world of skateboarding. In 2018, after working side by side for years and developing a close friendship, the two San Francisco pros decided to join forces and form the skate brand Maxallure. Their team includes other riders from San Francisco, Deondre Thebpanya, Jonathan Perez and Tafari Whitter. Watson and Lockman hired local independent artists to design the clean, simple graphics for the Maxallure boards, and the light colors and patterns give the boards a bold touch. Versatile boards that adapt to all styles.
Here are some important criteria in choosing a skateboard deck. The shape is the general shape of the board. We will retain two essential points. The width, expressed in inches, a board is considered thin below 7.8 'and wide above 8.5' (to be qualified according to the size and the template). The thin board will be lighter and will make it easier to perform technical figures (flip, 360 flip ...) while the wide one will be more stable and more solid. By default, the price includes the MOB grip, set by us, if you want the grip separately, please tell us when ordering. Thank you.